I just wanted to mark the passing of my very special friend Sid.
Many of you have seen pics of him and some of you knew him.
He was indeed very special.
We rescued Sid just 2 years ago. He was at least 10 years old maybe more and was deaf with a bad heart.
Well bad heart was just a medical term.
He had the best heart any one could hope for in a companion. I will never understand why anyone could have given him up but, I am so glad that

He gave us two wonderful years and I hope we made him half as happy as he made us.
For my birthday I received from a friend a wonderful portrait of Sid. Now he will always sit near the computer keeping me company as before. Thank you Cynthia.
Aww, he looks lovely. I am so sorry you have lost a dear pet, I know how sad it is. Thank goodness you looked after him in his last two years of life, I am glad you had each other.
Kari x
I'm sorry to hear about your loss. Two years, two months, two days....they grab hold of our hearts so quickly, there's no stopping it.
So sorry to hear of your loss. At least you were able to enjoy his company and care for him for those 2 years, and have the pictures to remind you of him...
so soft and cuddly
He's gorgeous, Alis, I'm so glad you both had such happy times together. :o)
Maz x
Thank you all so much for your thoughts. I really appriciate them. Hugs, Alis
I am sorry for your loss. However, I am happy that you had two great years with this special friend/family member.
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