Well, I am quite glad that October is over. I seem to have been ill for the most part of it.
I know I've been busy too but, boy standing outside that Cathedral was soooo cold I caught a chill.
Feeling better now though, thank goodness.
I did however, manage this little knitted and felted bag.
Old news because if you visit my Flickr album you will have seen it before.
I am just so thrilled with it that I just had to show it off again.
Jan said I just had to have a go and she was right. I am hooked. I am felting my second bag as we speak and I have wool for a couple more and felted jester boots for my great nephew.
I love to knit and especially in winter as it keeps you warm at the same time ;0)
Birthday? Yes mine!
Tomorrow, the first of November I will be *1 (guess. No don't look at my profile first!)
So in fine blogger tradition I will give gifts to the first 6 to comment here.
(waiting fearfully in case no one comments and I find out they don't want my stuff)
Won't be a large gifty but hopefully you will like it.
Oh by the way 1st of November is All Saints Day O;0)