..................... you know the rest of the saying and it is oh so true of me at the moment.
I did forget that on Terri's Paper Quilting Class I also made this!
I call it Asian Squares.
The background is painted mulberry paper. The larger squares are scrapbook papers and the smaller squares are a mixture of scrapbook paper and painted mulberry paper, all of which have some script or Asian design on them.
The embellishments are Asian coins, beads and mini game pieces stitched on to the base.
I have mounted it onto board and am now looking for a suitable frame for it.
Oh, very cool!
I just love things with script. Why don't I ever make anything like that? *shrugs*
This is really striking with the xtra embellishments.
Alis this is gorgeous!
Hi Alis, Margaret S here just to let you know that your quiltie will be on its way later this week. Life has just taken over this month and we have been away to Menorca so your quiltie is half finished!!
This is beautiful. You should enter it in a juried competition.
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