My friend and part-time neighbour was here this weekend. She came for a rest.
Did she get one? Not a chance of that.
The garden whilst beautiful was looking overgrown. In fact I wish I had thought to take before photos.
Well you couldn't see this wall for a start and although the way was clear on Monday, after the rain on Wednesday you couldn't get up the steps properly for the undergrowth.

Now as you can see it isn't a very big garden so.........
.........how did we manage to generate 9 bags of

Whatever the amount of rubbish, we had a lovely time working together to make our garden a great place to sit again.
We were supplied with coffee throughout the day by my hubby Roger and Cath's daughter Chrissy - thanks guys.
We didn't do all of it by the way.
Chrissy got down on her hands and knees to clear the weeds from between the paving stones.
Sometimes being older has it's advantages and we can let the younger generation have some of the fun too!
WOW! Want to come home and see it now. Glad I wasn't there for all the work though :P
Hi Honey!!
Come home, you are missed.
Well with the combination of sun and rain we have been having, you better bring lots of bags!!! We will need them ;0)
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